If you want to book more than one night and cannot find results in your search, contact us at [email protected] or call 0431-55 82 11, and we will assist you.



Skansen Classic Spa – Restaurant Papas

This is our classic spa package packed with all the essentials Skansen has to offer. Comfortable accommodations by the sea. Afternoon tea or coffee in the conservatory. A three course dinner packed full of local flavors. Our spa and cold bath house. Lively atmosphere and stunning surroundings. The only thing missing at this point is you and a friend!


The package is available all year round except for Christmas and New Year's Eve and during the summer (June 17–August 11, 2024), when we offer our Summer Package.



This package includes check-in 15.00, three-course menu at restaurant Papas*, accommodation with breakfast buffet, access to our spa and cold bath house (restricted to guests aged 13 and over), access to our rooftop with bar, pools and lounge (restricted to guests aged 16 and over), Check-out 11.00. Afternoon Snacks is included Saturdays and Sundays from 1/10–31/3. Served in the conservatory 15.00-17.00.



Reserve a table: The package includes a three-course menu at Papas. Select your desired time below to complete your booking. If you want to change your table reservation later, please contact us.



Book spa treatments: Treat yourself to the height of well-being. All treatments are unisex and suitable for both men and women. Young people are welcome for treatment from the age of 13 and up. Please arrive to the treatment in dry swimwear or underwear. We welcome you to book on 0431-55 82 00 or [email protected].



Children's times at our spa facilities: The clover-shaped pool on the lower level of the spa is a kid-friendly pool suitable for children up to 12 years in age. It is open to children every day between 7:00–11:00 AM and 7:00 PM–9:00 PM. Children over the age of 13 are welcome to use the facilities in the company of a guardian or supervising adult. Our rooftop spas can be used by young adults over the age of 16 in the company of a guardian or supervising adult.



Bring your own slippers: In order to reduce the environmental impact and meet the criteria for the Swan eco-label, we no longer provide disposable slippers. Please bring your own slippers when you arrive, and let's save nature's resources together. Thank you for your understanding!



Charge and Park: During summer (June–August), you can pre-book parking at Prästliden above the church or a charging spot at the hotel. For the rest of the year (September–May), parking is free in Båstad and in some of the hotel’s outdoor parking spaces, though note that spots in the harbor are time-restricted. Charging spots can be pre-booked. Garage spots can be rented for a fee, subject to availability. See the parking map and pre-book parking here.


The package includes

Check-in 15.00
3-course dinner at Papas restaurant
Breakfast buffet
Spa, Cold Bath House and Rooftop
Access to gym
Check-out 11.00